Thursday, 22 November 2012

Is having the agenda of non-violence and going on tolerating good against being violent for your rights?

Ever wondered why quotes like 'Tit for Tat' or 'An eye for an eye' are not generally used by everyone except a few.Once there was an era when use of violence was intolerable by our society.But is it still the same?No, not at all. Instead a person who is non-violent is made fun of. He is the target of every bully. It is not limited only to bullying but the person can't even survive in this world at all. He's tortured, played with, at every phase of life.
One needs to be strong enough to stand against the injustice being done against him. Whether if it means using violence. To survive, bravery is the need of today. Imagine a student being teased by a strong student, if the victim student goes on with his non-violence means and put forwards his another cheek, then it would only result in getting bullied daily. Or think of a man in government office trying to get his work done, and the government official demands a bribe to do his work. The innocent citizen in his hurry offers the bribe. But what next?? His work would be done for now and what about later? More bribery? More people would be affected by this. Non-violence is good but there's a limit to every thing. In every such case if the person at the very first instance shows some courage and oppose the injustice, it would never result in non-violence. But no if you don't do this now; later you would have to go for violent means. And eventually it would be "Tit for Tat' or "An eye for an eye'.
Being non-violent and going on tolerating injustice is seriously not a good idea. At last you would be agitated and devastated Ask yourself "are you really that patient."So be wise and start acting now.......instead of being a fool, blind minded.  For the very society's welfare stop listening to the 'so called norms' of the society. If our society has some backdrops then our ancestors won't come back to change them. We would only have to change it.

Monday, 5 November 2012

Yes, I'm a working woman

Yes I'm a working woman

Yes, I'm selfish 
to think about myself first.
Yes, I'm cruel
to think of my family's welfare.
Yes, I'm double faced
to act independently on my own.
Yes, I'm a cheater
to interact with everyone irrespective of their gender.
Yes, I've got no emotion
because I don't end up showing my frustration to others.
Yes, I'm spendthrift
because I earn that it depends on me.
Yes, I'm a working woman,self-obsessed,
a cheater, double faced etc......
Anything wrong over here?

The Lost Love


The Lost Love

I stood there on porch
waiting for you to comeback
having no idea of your intentions.
With every passing day 
my heart aches for you, your love
your mere presence would
have given me peace.
Now sitting on the stairs
I wonder where you are
without me;
Whether happy or lonely ?
This cruel world mocks at me
but my love for you is divine unlike yours.
I'll be here,
forever,waiting for you,
lost without you